2A Helpful Hints
for a successful school year

This page is full of tips to help you enjoy a great school year. It is a guide for parents and children alike. Please carefully consider each suggestion here as a way of making your school days in second grade very pleasant indeed.

1. Always be prepared! You should come to school totally prepared each and every day. You should have your homework done and ready to hand in. You should also have a pencil case full of exactly the right items.

2. Your pencil case should have at least 3-4 sharpened pencils, erasers, a glue stick, crayons and scissors. We do class projects all the time. In order to be prepared for class, you must have a completely "stocked" pencil case.

3. You need to have a snack and a lunch every day. We eat a snack each day around 11:30. Mom and Dad must provide a snack and drink for you. On half days we sometimes have hot pretzels and milk that you can buy. The milk is 25 cents and the pretzels are $1.00. You may bring a lunch to school or buy one in the cafeteria for $2.25.